A spell enchants, embraces you in a type of faery glamour and bestows a spiritual kiss that takes you out of the ordinary into the extraordinary. We all have a different idea of what the word “extraordinary” means. The OXFORD dictionary defines the word as ‘unusual or remarkable’. I believe a spell takes you into the unusual and the effect is remarkable
During a spell you make contact with the invisible world — the realm of energy. To get there you often begin with the physical, items and symbols you can see, touch, smell, hear and sometimes taste. This may change from spell to spell. Examples are the presence of the elements: candle; incense; water and salt, tools of magick, the wand; athame; chalice and pentacle. Symbols, the written word, sound and charms are also of the physical world. Like keys, these tangible items unlock another dimension where you weave divine energy around your intention — the purpose of the spell. This is where the invisible becomes very real to you, the witch.