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Full Moon 21st September

Full Moon in Pisces 21st of September 9:55 am

Prepare for a deeply emotional time as the full moon in Pisces takes you deep inside your heart. The moon’s conjunction with Neptune and opposition to Mars tends to complicate feelings. Neptune’s energy urges a release from restrictions (difficult at this time) and the moon’s relationship to Mars will give rise to intense passion. Try to stay in the moment and hold onto hope. Awareness and preparation will assist you getting through this time. It is important to channel intense emotion and desire into creative projects and psychic insight and this full moon will be an ideal time to do just that.

Imagine your cauldron and add the following ingredients: an all-seeing eye, a mysterious key, lots of humour and a little madness. Stir the brew and become fascinated with what will manifest.

The full moon heralds the spring equinox, a time of new beginnings and birth. Enjoy the warmth of spring and the scent of blossoms.

With love Danae Moon the SpellBox Witch

Psychic Connection Spell

Light a blue candle. Place an amethyst crystal in rose water under the moon. For 3 nights hold the crystal to your heart before sleep.


Danae Moon Thorp
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